Friday, May 28, 2010

Tool #1: Time Spent

If I had nothing else to do in life and was bored silly...I think I would like this. It's sort of like setting up my class website and following Facebook...I have other things to do!
Two hours later I have created an avatar in voki, chosen my blog format, tried to post a picture (but it kept overtaking the blog--and I was frustrated with trying to shrink it in my documents) and became frustrated with trying to change the color scheme.

How will I use this in my classroom? Instead of Daily Message on chart paper...let's blog it! Instead of Shared Writing on chart it!

Other than that...I'm not sure...give me time!


  1. I just heard the voki website is down. When it is up again, let's work to try and get it posted! Sorry you were frustrated. I'm glad to see that you can see classroom applications though! Do yo uhave a projector in your classroom to project the blog for class discussion? If not, you might want to write a mini-grant for one!

  2. Yeah! you are finally on line. I hope we can work together to come up with ways to use this stuff we are learning. maybe each week we could help the star of the week make a vokior avitar to post on our class blog. How do you think
    you will have them write? if we had activ boards, it would be cool.but...

  3. Your blog looks great! But if you feel like making changes, there is a new design template section that is really fun. I just changed mine. You are on the right track - lots of great ideas will come as you learn the new tools.
